Why’d I do that?


Are Termites Kosher?

Confessions of a Peace Corps Volunteer

Are termites kosher? Not likely a question you have ever thought of. But now you must be curious. Are those little wood-eating critters kosher? Regardless of whether they are or not, you must be wondering, “Who on earth would eat termites anyway?” Well, believe it or not, a significant portion of the world’s population enjoys eating this protein-rich delicacy, either as a snack or as a meal component. In fact, they can be quite tasty. I prefer them fried with some salt, though some people prefer them alive and wiggling. But are termites kosher? 


I confess to odd exploits and adventures in my book Are Termites Kosher? Not only do I taste delectable termites, but I try other exotic foods, meet incredible people and experience events unimaginable in the world where I was born. And, there is love. 

For what good is a story without love? 

Tasty Termites

One day I came home from school to find a group of the neighborhood kids crowded together behind my house. They were gathered around holes in the ground, and thousands of new born baby termites were flying away. I didn't know baby termites flew. Anyway, the kids were grabbing the termites off of the ground or directly from the air and putting them into ...

Wherever I walked in Cameroon I came across a special sight. Here are two boys pretending to be soldiers with toy guns they made themselves. 

I never did quite understand what this sign warned about. The main idea that we should stay away or risk death was clear; I'm just not sure why/ 

What do you see, Marguerite?

One day I was walking through a rain forest and came across some Baka people (Pygmies). 

Long story short, I was expected to marry the daughter of the deceased chief of the tribe. I could have been king of the Pygmies, in a sense. 


About Bradley

For much of my life people have asked why I do the things I do. I never have a good answer. 

I have had the privilege of visiting some of the most stunning destinations on earth, from bustling cities to remote wilderness areas. I've hiked through misty rainforests, explored ancient ruins, sampled exotic cuisines, and made lifelong friends along the way. Each new experience has broadened my horizons and enriched my life in ways that I never thought possible. Through words, photos and recordings, I have documented my exploits. Can you help me figure out why I did the things I did?

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